America on the Brink

While the mainstream media has been obsessing about things like Trump’s legal problems, Biden’s cognitive wherewithal, and the potential for a TikTok ban, we have been busy covering the real issues of the day. And, in the process, we have discovered something very important. Underneath the din of our increasingly banal political chatter, there’s an actual substantive conversation happening. There are serious people, pursuing serious strategies to make our world a better place. Up until now, much of this work has remained hidden from the people—drowned out by all the noise from entertainment-focused traditional media—but things are changing fast in America. 

 As we have examined issues like:

  • Homelessness

  • The housing affordability crisis and the YIMBY movement

  • Legal immigration reform

  • Primary reform

  • Inequality in education

  • Ideas to re-industrialize our economy

  •  Rising wealth inequality

  • The proliferation of anticompetitive business practices


  • The implications of government intervention in the economy

A picture is emerging of an America on the brink. Of what, I don’t know. But it feels like the system is on the verge of breaking apart. In my view, it’s only a matter of time before these serious issues are forced into the public dialogue by the sheer gravity of things. 

“There’s something happening here
What it is ain’t exactly clear”

And we aren’t even close to done with our examination of the pressing issues of the day. We have episodes and articles on deck to discuss, oh, things like:

  • The wars in Ukraine and Gaza

  • Climate change

  • Border security

  • Child trafficking

  • Tax policy and the fiscal deficit

  • Gun violence


  •  AI

In other words, there’s a lot more to be worried about here.

“Paranoia strikes deep
Into your life it will creep”

After several months of steady work on our election deep dive series for the Nick Halaris Show, I’ve realized that the transformation of political media from something serious into just another form of entertainment is a much bigger problem than I thought it was. Of course, I always sort of knew it was an issue. This is something that’s several decades in the making. I just didn’t see until recently how bad it has become. But political media is so dumbed down and polarizing today, so focused on the monetization opportunities of the echo chambers of extreme positions, it’s causing our democracy to rot from within. It’s like a really bad play, a comedy so bad it presents as tragedy.

You see, while we are all laughing, rolling our eyes, and shaking our heads at the political theater streaming before us, there are so, so many issues where things are getting worse and worse every day. And it’s not like we don’t know what our problems are! We’ve just grown so accustomed to political dysfunction that we are ok with our political leaders fighting and arguing but not actually doing anything. As we have seen, even on issues where there is bipartisan support, like legal immigration reform or affordable housing, literally nothing is getting done. In some cases—e.g. in the housing advocate world—things have gotten so bad that even the diehard civic activists are starting to lose faith in the possibility of reform with the system as-is and are increasingly drawn to more dramatic and consequential policy reforms, like democracy reform.

Despite all this, I find myself oddly more optimistic than I thought I would be. Why? 

First of all, it’s a great sign that these serious conversations are happening at all. Imagine how it would feel if no one in this country actually cared about anything. Yikes! Fortunately, our great democracy is working, even if not that many people know that it is. When you look under the hood, you see that there are actually a ton of people working diligently on efforts to improve America. You also see that there are a lot of good ideas. America is doing what it has always done—somehow producing from within the energy necessary to ensure the survival of our Republic. Look, I know we’ve got a spotty record and don’t always do the right thing. But we eventually do and that’s the key, that’s what has saved us so far at least.

Secondly, the fact that we are gaining as much traction as we are and that other forward-thinking media outlets like Tangle, American Affairs, and Forward Guidance are thriving, is compelling proof that there’s a large and growing audience for serious, complex, and meaningful economic and political content. The attempt to dumb us all down, whether intentional or not, has failed! There are just too many of us who care enough and who are smart enough not to be seduced by all that. 

Finally, even though I feel the fabric of our nation tearing apart all around us, I am not afraid. What we are about to go through might be hard, but it will also be good. It will be good for all of us, even those who might lose the most in the process, because it will draw us together. Connection and community are things we desperately need to survive and thrive in modern life, even if we don’t want to admit that to ourselves. And the best way to get those things is to work and suffer together in some great effort to make a better world. This is what every great story is about anyway. That has to mean something, right?  

Anyway, even though we might not always be able to hear or see them, let’s celebrate the growing army of patriotic Americans dedicating themselves to the task of creating an ever more perfect Union. Let’s spread the word and support their work. As conscientious citizens, this is the least we can do! As we discussed last week, to the extent that we have the time and resources, we should get involved in the efforts that resonate most with our own hearts. 

I am more convinced than ever that the fundamental hypothesis of the Profit+ Newsletter—that the true path to success involves the individual choosing to prioritize community needs over individual desires—is both valid and true. First of all, you cannot live in a world indifferent to suffering without damaging yourself. You might not be able to feel it but every time you turn a blind eye to someone in need or something wrong in the world, it eats away at your soul. Secondly, these big unaddressed and unresolved policy problems are also a fundamental threat to your own dreams. You might do everything right and then still fail to achieve your goals because society around you is crumbling in some material way. Whether you like it or not, choose to see or ignore them, the great problems of our day are here to stay and they are demanding your attention.

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