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Market Meditations: Uncover extensive actionable investment insights delivered to your inbox, offering a genuine look into my personal strategies, backed by real-time market intelligence in collaboration with top global investors.

The Possibility Report: Dive into an exclusive members-only podcast dissecting global issues for sophisticated, unbiased analysis, providing an alternative to mainstream news by revealing critical connections often overlooked. As a plus, get my take on the potential positive outcomes and solutions.

Confessions of a Citizen: My personal masterclass on transitioning from mere achievement to impactful influence. Receive a comprehensive guidebook for a purpose-driven life, diving deep into the philosophies, stories, and application tools to amplify your impact.


What People Are Saying

“In a world of vehemently conflicting ideologies, Nick manages to thoughtfully convey his perspective on economic and cultural issues with reason, practical guidance and an ever-present awareness of the historical trajectory of events. ”

Greg R

“Profit+ gives readers like myself a unique perspective on what’s happening in the world, without pushing anyone into a “one size fits all” way of thinking. Keep it up!”

Sam L

“Love the wide range of topics and dedication to deeper thinking. Discussing ethics, business, and politics isn’t rare, but being able to do so in a thoughtful and measured way that doesn’t feed off of antagonism or sensationalism is - especially nowadays.”

Alex F